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Reason for lower back pain?
Other than muscle strain, what would cause constant lower back pain? For instance, could a bladder infection be the problem? I don’t seem to have any other symptoms of a bladder infection though. What else could it be do you think? Any help/info is appreciated.
It's only been going on for two days. And I meant kidney, not bladder -- stupid me, I mis-spoke (or rather, mis-typed). I hate cranberry juice but will definitely give it a try if it will help.
dnjo303 -- I know, I reallly should lay off the bungy jumping. lol And as for the italian food, I'm all for that!
12 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
When I had a kidney infection my lower back really hurt. Cranberry juice helped a lot! No makes it worse.
- ?Lv 45 years ago
See your health care provider as soon as possible. Pain due to muscular strain is usually confined to the back. Occasionally it may extend into the buttocks or upper leg. Pain that extends down the leg to below the knee is called sciatica and suggests pressure on the nerves as they leave the spinal cord. Sciatica often responds to home treatment but the following symptoms mean that immediate help from may be required: Loss of bladder or bowel control, weakness in the leg. Heat applied to the affected area will provider some relief. You may take acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen as long as you feel significant pain. If significant pain persists beyond a week, call the doctor. And good luck.
For the best answers, search on this site
- 5 years ago
If you wish to understand the real character of sciatica or why sciatica is so common and what all these problems want to tell to your system then you definitely need to read that eBook Sciatica SOS from here .
Glenn Johnson is the writer of Sciatica SOS. He too was plagued by the condition for very quite a long time in his early 40s. He claims he was among the “Early worms to be identified as having sciatica”, and he used numerous probable solutions that the doctors offered, nevertheless they never offered him adequate results.
The eBook Sciatica SOS is special; it moves the excess distance to assist you realize the reason for the issue, what you certainly can do to fix it and then offers detail by detail directions to see you achieve the treatment.
All this can be accomplished in 1 week or less. It is unquestionably worth a try.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Hey there,
Sciatica is a pain that results from irritation of one of sciatic nerves. This is a lower back pain that goes down to hip and then to both legs extending to feet and toes in some cases. Sciatica nerve is the largest nerve in our body. Running down the spine through the hip, sciatic nerve goes down to knee and ankle. Any damage or pressure on this nerve results in debilitating sciatica pain that needs thorough investigation of probable causes on the basis of symptoms to provide relief to the patient on a permanent basis.
For details visit:
- bikashroy9Lv 71 decade ago
Get urine sample tested after consulting a doctor.I guess, you may have gout or, some other disorder present in your blood.The doctor will suggest you what you should do.Relax and use your thumbs with some greasy substance behind the back where the spinal cord ends and two deep marks are there....just press and rub over that area clock and anti clock wise repeatedly for about 10 minutes ..........twice a day.Just see the result and let me know through email to................
" ".I shall help you.I am a Psychic Astrologer and a Numerologist.
- 1 decade ago
it could be a lot of things. bladder infection, bladder track infection, kidney infection, kidney stones, etc. drink cocktail cranberry juice all day until the bottle is gone. how long has this been going on? if is has been going on for a while go see the doctor, our bodies give us these symptoms to warn us. listen to it. if this has just started, try the cranberry juice, if it dosen't go away in a day or so, then go see the doctor. I know it's expensive, and annoying, but I thought I was having constipation cramps once, and I was embarressed to go to the doctors, cause I did that once and was embarressed to find that it was constipation pain. however after long hours of throwing up and laying crying in pain for hours and hours my husband called my parents against my will and asked them to come get me and they forced me to the hospital. turns out it was my appendix, and I was really lucky that it didn't explode. what I learned from that is that your bodie talks to you, listen to it.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Did you ever tested out Back Pain Relief 4 Life system? Start on this page : . This can completely save you!
- 1 decade ago
if u are speaking of lower BACK pain,then there are several reason.Most of times it is due to some injury in the spine,which might have a long history,It can be due to coccyx injury.It can also be due to vaginal infections,chronic pelvic infections,or any lesion on cervix.most of the times there is a history of vaginal discharge.or dysparuenia.if it is due to spinal injury or coccyx injury then pain may inrease or decrease in intensity on change of posture.
but most of the times it is gynaecological problem
- dnjo303Lv 51 decade ago
Come on SU it's all that bundgy jumpimg you do when you're not on the internet. Get well some, drink lots of water and c-juice and have some really nice Italian food.