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PSP help question....?


So I picked up my new PSP 3000 ( Came free with my Bravia HDTV ) and I have a question.

After playing a game would you need to turn off the PSP first and then take out the UMD? Or would you need to take out the UMD first before turning off the PSP?


2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Realistically you can do either but I'd recommend turning the psp off before removing the UMD, to prevent damage to it, in the same way you would with a regular playstation and its games/dvds. Also so that you don't lost any unsaved data or whatever. But I'm pretty sure that if every now and again you forget and remove the UMD before turning it off there shouldn't be much of a problem.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    god you extremely want a psp huh? nicely i might advise you to: a million) beg your dad and mom 2) get sturdy grades ( my dad and mom bought me psp reason I have been given no 60% in checklist card hehe I often fail ) 3) do newspaper delivery and shop up money to purchase psp yet do no longer scouse borrow or carry one hundred money charges because of the fact it would be extremely unusual for ll 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous boy wearing all that money. sturdy success oh one greater factor , psp is particularly cool to have besides the undeniable fact that it dones't worth you to get in to detention center .

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