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KickYouTube problems?
I'm trying to download the mp3 of a YouTube video using KickYouTube. I've done it many times before, but today, I can't figure out what's up. When I click "Save Link as..." the only option for saving is as a Firefox document (*.htm). I simply typed in mp3 at the end of the file name, and that seemed to work, but now when I try to add it to my iTunes library, it doesn't appear in the folder that I put it in. The properties of the downloaded file say it is a MPEG Layer 3 Audio which means *.mp3 right? The rest of my music on iTunes is MPEG-4 Audio File and I'm not sure what that is. Help?
Also, does anyone know if there are any restrictions on the free version of ZillaTube? Like some free converters only let you convert 3/4 of it or something.
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
zillatube has no restriction.. it will convert them for you completely.
It will help you to download videos from youtube to your computer, and also help you put them on your iTunes and iPod/iPhone.
This is the fastest (and easiest) way.
1. download the video (it will automatically be saved to your PC)
2. convert the video to mp3
3. drag the mp3 into iTunes, then sync with your ipod.
It works very well...
- moleproject5Lv 51 decade ago
you can try using instead, it lets you download mp3 files directly from youtube links also