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Centralized lower abdominal pain, what could it be?

I have a friend who fell from a tree, I think it was like 10-15 feet high, and I think he fell on his back. He's had pain now since it happened (its been like 4 days) and he won't go to the doc because he doesn't have health insurance. He says the pain is in his low abdomen and is central mostly, not hurting more on like one side or anything. He says 1-10 its like 3 most of the time, but when he presses its like a 7. PLEASE, if anyone has any ideas of what this could be or if it could be something really bad, any advice is welcome.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It is really hard to diagnose abdominal pain without doing an exam and a few tests. Falling on his back, he may have injured his kidneys, but that would be more likely to cause blood to show in his urine had that been the case. Internal bleeding would have caused problems before now. It is possible he has just eaten something that disagreed with him, as the central abdomen is where the small intestine is located. It's also possible this is early appendicitis, not related to his fall at all. If he is running fever, has diarrhea or is nauseated, or the pain gets worse, then he will simply need to go to the ER. They can arrange for payment, and he can get the treatment he needs. In the meantime, pressing on it won't help matters any, and isn't necessary for anything. He should stick to clear liquids and plenty of it, and just see how things go in the next few hours.

    Source(s): nurse
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Anything that's "extreme" within the anguish division demands to accept concentration through a health care provider. If you're having issues status and this has been occurring, you ought to get into see a document on the Emergency Room, a regular medical professional, or an pressing care document TODAY. Start making mobilephone calls.

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