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Why are Trump supporters so violent?
27 Answers
- Anonymous3 years ago
Because they are crazy like him lol
- thebax2006Lv 73 years ago
It's all in your head little libbie.
I don't blame EVERY democrat for the riots ANTIFA causes.
Get a brain.
- Anonymous3 years ago
Maybe you should do more research. Look up George Soros
- ElliotLv 73 years ago
People of all political stripes are violent. The guy who shot Republicans practicing baseball was a Sanders supporter.
- Spock (rhp)Lv 73 years ago
tell me with a straight face that SDS and their ilk did not riot in Chicago some decades ago
- Anonymous3 years ago
"Accuse the opposition of that which you are guilty." Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister.
- Anonymous3 years ago
Trump influenced them to be violent.
Remember when he said "he would knock the **** out of a protester?"
Then he said he would "pay for their legal fee's".
Its no wonder right wing terrorism is on the rise.
- Anonymous3 years ago
You mean ANTIFA and BLM