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  • When do you throw out socks and underwear?

    None of my socks have holes in them and they've lasted for quite a while. The problem is that my socks lose elasticity around the arch and become loose. Whenever I'm walking around in shoes my socks would gradually slip off my feet due to the lack of elastic holding it up in place. Is this a time to say goodbye to my fellow socks? I don't think it'd be a good idea to donate them though.

    And what about underwear? I'm just curious about when do people generally throw them out and what they do about them. I take great care of my clothes so I've never really had to throw them out. It'll be great to hear what you do with your worn out socks and underwear.

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • Solve for z and express in polar form, z^4=ni?

    Find all solutions to the equation where n is a positive real number and write your solutions in polar form as expressions in terms of n

    I've worked out that

    z= n^(1/4)cis((nπ/2)+(π/8))

    z1 = n^(1/4)cis(π/8)

    z2 = n^(1/4)cis(5π/8)

    But I don't understand why the angles are negative for z3 and z4.

    In the answers it says the angle for z3 is (-3π/8) and z4 is (-7π/8)

    I did not get these answers.

    Please show working and explain.


    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • How to code a banner like this one?

    What I want to know is how do I add something like this into my website?

    Its the image background with transitions.

    Is there a widget I could use?

    If so, please state which one. Otherwise, please give me the code to do it.

    Some guidance at least would be great.

    Please note that I'm a High School student and I'm doing this for a school project.

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What does a high flyer in the world of finance mean?

    I've been told:

    "I can see you are going to be a high flyer in the world of finance."

    but I don't know what it means, please explain..

    I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing.

  • Algebra maths questions (2a^7 x 50a^3)^-1/2 & (3x^4 x 9x^5)^-1/3?

    1. (2a^7 x 50a^3)^-1/2

    2. (3x^4 x 9x^5)^-1/3

    Please solve and show full working.

    I don't get how to do these types especially when it comes to simplifying I get the wrong answer.

    Also please explain to me how to work them out.

    For this question (2a^7 x 50a^3)^-1/2 the answer is 1/3x^3 but I got 1/9x^3

    Please explain to me why it is a 3 not 9

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Questions on information systems?

    why can't you find information online about a particular student? When you google a students name, how come there is no information about that person, no school records or anything from school?

    I'm doing a report on school information systems and how schools ensure that no data is leaked onto the internet.

    How does the school protect data from third parties and what is done to prevent hackers?

    What type of securities are in place to avoid having malware downloaded?

    What is done to ensure that the school computer system is not vulnerable?

    How is data entered/manipulated into the school information system? Who is in charge of it? How is it done? Are only passwords required? What is done to make sure that data ENTERED is correct and filed in the right compartments eg under the student concerned and not someone else?

    Also, what are the advantages and disadvantages of information systems?

    What should I talk about for file management and back up procedures?

    Most importantly,what is 'Input storage retrieval and manipulation of data within an information system' and what should i talk about.

    What are the legal and ethical issues that school have to deal with for keeping/distributing/ storing personal information about students.

    Please be as detailed as you can. It would be even better if you could back it up with evidence and give examples.

    Your help is hugely appreciated!

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • URGENT! YOU COULD SAVE A LIFE. My friend has lung failure and has financial difficulty. PLEASE HELP.?

    So I just found out that my friend has lung failure. He only found out today as well.

    His family is poor, he has 6 siblings and needs financial help. He lives in Canada and hes only 16.

    He only turned 16 like a week ago. The doctor told him he only has six months left and needs to have surgery. I've told him to tell his doctor about his family struggle with money but he doesn't see the point. He won't tell anyone about it. He doesn't want to talk to people about it and said that no one will care and that no one will help. I told him to tell his school coz they will most likely start fundraising but he reckons no one will care.

    I'm really concerned about him. I really want to help but he won't listen to me. I've tried researching organizations that will help but i haven't found much. I don't know much about Canada. I know that there are good people out there that will donate and help. Sadly my friend doesn't believe in this. Are there any organizations out there in Canada that will assist with his financial problem? I really don't know what to do. Who will help him? He needs money for his operation. My friend is really scared, he has no hope and he thinks he's going to die. He won't even go to sleep coz hes scared he'll die in his sleep. What help can he get?

    I was thinking about getting the attention of celebrities maybe, but that won't be easy D:


    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Hot glue gun isn't hot enough?

    Hot glue gun details:

    Colt Power Tools

    Model: KL-1012

    Rated input: 30watt

    Rated Volt: 230V


    After half an hour of heating up, the glue still isn't hot.

    It comes out soft but not so sticky. It sort of burns but its nothing compared to other hot glue guns I have used. When I try to stick things together, it cools rapidly and doesn't stick.

    Help anyone?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Please help me with trigonometry?! URGENT?

    T= 5sin(πt/6)+15

    T - temperature t- time in hours after midnight on Sunday

    1. work out maximum temperature

    2. what is the temperature at 4am Monday morning

    3. minimum temperature

    4. time when temperature is 12 degrees Celsius

    Please show all working!

    As well as some explanations because I don't know what to do when it comes to word problems.

    How do I solve it? That's why I need you to show working.

    NB: in case you weren't sure (πt/6) is πt over 6, it is a fraction

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Can a torn thumb ligament be healed after 4 years?

    So I only found out that I have torn a ligament in my thumb but it happened 3 or 4 years ago.

    It just feels tight and sometimes it just feels annoying and out of place (which it kinda is??)

    I've been to the physio before but it wasn't much help. I was told that I don't have a lot of pressure coming from the finger tips of my entire right hand and that my left hand is stronger than my right hand but I'm right handed

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Accounting HELP!!! Will different gross margins impact on the accounts receivable subsystem?

    Will products with different gross margins and pricing structures impact on the accounts receivable subsystems, particularly the credit policy?

    I need a FULL DETAILED answer for this question quickly as I'm doing this for a school assessment. Please don't go too overboard and be TOO detailed as I'm only a high school student!

    But I need to just mainly understand why it won't/will impact on the credit policy in particular and be able to explain it.

    Thanks in advanced.

    1 AnswerCredit9 years ago
  • Where can I download Skip Beat manga volumes?

    I want to download volumes 26-30 other than just reading it online.

    Please tell me the name of the site and how to download (if its not obvious)

    I also want the skip beat volumes to be in English

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Where can I download the Skip Beat anime?

    I want to download all the episodes of the Skip Beat ANIME but I don't know where.

    I would like to download it in English or with English subtitles.

    And is there a site where you can download any anime?

    I want to download other anime too

    3 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • How to lose body fat and grow taller fast?

    I want to learn a way you can lose body fat quick especially belly fat and get toned thighs and arms.

    I'm the type of person that needs motivation and I can't even do a push up or pull up. I'm 15 almost 16 and I'm 5'1 and weigh around 115 lbs. I really want to grow taller and no, it's not just in your genes, you can grow at any age but since I'm still going through puberty it would be easier for me to grow, Please help!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • How could I expand on the idea of "The will to live" for an essay on "The Pianist"?

    I've written an essay on this idea but I need to expand, give more examples and "the will to live" needs to be further explained. For those who don't know, Polanski had talked a bit about "The will to live" in the documentary. Also how does the film "The Pianist" challenge your thinking and what are the personal lessons?

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago