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6 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
you ask some good questions
- 1 decade ago
The adhesive chemicals in the glue only react to air, and only slowly. That's why if you leave the lid off for a few minutes it's okay but if you leave it for hours and hours it dries. That's also why you have to leave it to glue things together, and why dry glue collects round the top of the tube.
The wonders of chemistry eh :)
- 1 decade ago
When the glue is in the bottle, it is in a liquid state and doesn't dry because it is not exposed to air. Glue only sticks to stuff when it is dry.
- GoddessLv 51 decade ago
I think it has to hit the air first which is why it dries up if the bottle is left open.