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Favourite answers34%
  • Mic on Genius Eye not working?

    I have intalled the software for My Genius Eye 110 and the image works on skype. However, I thought this cam had an in-built mic, but I can't hear any audio on the test call, and under audio settings in skype it gives me the options

    -Line 1 (Reallusion Virtual Audio)

    -Mic 1 (Reallusion Virtual Audio)

    -Line In (RealTeck AC'97 Audio)

    -Microphone (RealTeck AC'97 Audio)

    None of these options work. Help!

    Software9 years ago
  • First Date Deal-breaker, does he deserve a second chance?

    First date with a guy last night. He was (although not the usual physical type I go for) very engaging and intelligent. We had drinks over the course of two hours, and got along very well, untill he started talking about his ex!

    I politely sent him an email later saying I'd had fun, but if he wasn't over his ex enough to avoid talking about her on a first date, then I wasn't interested.

    He's asked me out on a second date regardless.

    Am I being to harsh, does he deserve a second chance?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Lost the car fuel plug thing...?

    You know when you fill your car up, you pop open the fuel thing, and unscrew that cap? I lost it, the cap that is.

    What is it called, and where can I get another one? Will the petrol in the car evaporate now?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • He made me pay half the bill...?

    I'm an independant woman, but I do believe that whoever asks the other out should pay for the meal if it is a romantic date.

    I recently was asked out, and went to dinner with guy x. We had fun, and enjoyed each others company. However, he made a comment about the price of the menu, and proceded to make a few comments about money and the like. This was a real turn off for me, seeing as he'd chosen the restaurant. We had a nice meal, and when it came to leave, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and assumed he would pay the bill as per normal dating etiquette. On my return he was waiting around at the desk to split the bill! I was shocked, but gracious and paid for half (even though he's had more to drink than me).

    He is very interested in another date, and although I like him I'm having reservations because of his behaviour on the date.

    What do I do? And how do I let him know I found it rude without insulting him? Could he just have made a mistake?

    Confused dutchie

    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • USA Green Card/Au Pair Question?

    I would love the opportunity to live in NY or LA. I'm an actress, with plenty of experience and education in the field.

    I know immigration into the States is tough. I have the option of applying for an O-1 Visa for Aliens of Extraordinary Abilities (in the Arts). But this is very difficult to get, and you need a really impressive resume. Although I have a long resume of good work, they set the bar quite high and require lead roles in TV and the like. Which I don't yet have.

    So to my question. Is it possible for me to work as an Au pair in the states (they organise a J-1 Visa for you), and while I'm there apply for a Green Card? I like kids, and it would be a great experience to get to know the country better.

    Does anyone have any knowledge in this field?

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • How to know what notes sound like...HELP!?

    I'm an actress, who can sing (I've had training). But not a prof singer, or musician. I have an audition, and the characters have vocal ranges up to an Eb Belt and Chest/Head F.

    I have no instruments, but need to know what these sound like so I can see if I can hit the note, and audition for the part. Is there anything on line that can help me?

    Singing1 decade ago
  • Actor Mentor Programme?

    I have the opportunity to make a submission to an Artists' Mentor Programme, with three Experienced Mentors available in the Acting field.

    I'd love to take advantage of this opportunity. I need to write a letter outlining why I want this opportunity, and what I'd like to learn and achieve from it.

    How does acting mentoring work? Taking into account that sessions would often be conducted over the phone, with occasional meetings. It's not like I'm a writer who can send them my work for opinion.

    Anyone had acting mentoring? How does it work and what does it involve? (asides from tips of the trade).

    1 AnswerTheatre & Acting1 decade ago
  • How to fly from Costa Rica to New Zealand?

    I want to know fly from Costa Rica to New Zealand WITHOUT going through the USA. I've searched on the internet, but can't find anything.


    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • I need to sing a 19th Century Song for an audition?

    It's a play, and I need a song from that era. Any suggestions for something simple, and not too long?

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Slooooooow computer....?

    I have broadband, but sometimes my computer freezes, or takes an incredibly long time to go from one site to ther next. It's really frustrating. Is there any free program I can run on it to fix this? I don't want to shell out $300 for a comuter tech.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How does a foreign actor get work in Hollywood?

    I'm in New Zealand, and would love the opportunity to move to L.A for a while, and try my luck there. I've been an actor since I was 15yrs old, and am now 24.

    I know immigration is very tight, and you need a job offer first, before moving there. This is obviously not possible with acting work, as one needs to go through the audition process.

    How do I move there? How have other people done this? I would happily wait tables, but I'm not sure if anyone would be willing to offer a foreigner a job, when there are so many americans willing to wait tables too!

    Help, I need some brainstorming ideas!!

    3 AnswersTheatre & Acting1 decade ago
  • What clothes did the Virgin Mary Wear?

    I need to get a realistic Virgin Mary Costume. What clothes did she wear? What were they called? She lived in and around 4BC.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • HELP! I bruised my BF penis...?

    I went to pull his condom off, and grabbed the nip of the condoms, but it slipped out of my fingers and flicked him hard on the head of his penis! It was awfully painfull, and now he has a few red/purple spots there.

    I figure its a bruise, anyone had this happen? What can we do, any creams that will help?

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is a 500sq foot apartment big enough for 1 person?

    I'm moving to Mumbai for 6 months at the end of the year. I'm looking at affordable 1 Bedroom apartments no more than 19000 rupies per month. There seem to be a lot of 500 sq feet apartments in this price range. How big is this? Is it big enough for just one person?

    Also, if anyone has advice on a good way to find an apartment there, in or around Lokhandwala in Andheri please get in touch.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • INDIA- Is a 500sq foot apartment big enough for 1 person?

    I'm moving to Mumbai for 6 months at the end of the year. I'm looking at affordable 1 Bedroom apartments no more than 19000 rupies per month. There seem to be a lot of 500 sq feet apartments in this price range. How big is this? Is it big enough for just one person?

    Also, if anyone has advice on a good way to find an apartment there, in or around Lokhandwala in Andheri please get in touch.

    3 AnswersMumbai1 decade ago
  • Do you think you're a geeky on.?

    Ok. I have a business idea I'd like to test on you men-folk! I'm an attractive girl, looking for ways to make a living, using the skill and knowledge I have. I recently had the idea to start a 'wing-woman' business. Hear me out, it does sound crazy.

    Say you're a great guy, who's mostly devoted his time to study/work etc. You don't feel confident around a girl, maybe you've not been on many dates or even kissed a girls much. I'll go and meet you, get to know who you are and what you like. We'll go to a bar, and I can guarantee you leave with at least one phone number. I'll make sure you have a fun time with me, and I'll attract girls you like too. I'm ONLY providing a service where you'll meet girls and I'll promote YOU. Kinda having your own P.R girl.

    Would you pay for my services, $30-$50 PER hour for a minimum of 3 hours? It would be a legitimate dating aid service, I'm not a h**ker, so don't get any ideas. Just want to help guys feel confident

    What do you thin

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm so freaked out about my audition tomorrow!?

    My agent has put me foward for a musical audition, it's a small supporting role. I need to sing two songs, as well as perform four short scenes. The scenes I'm fine with, but although I can hold a note I'm not a proffesional singer! I fear I'm just going to go in and fall flat on my face. It feels as if it's going to be more ego-bruising than anything else.

    Anyone been in this situation?

    5 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Help! Is this a panic attack?

    I don't know what's wrong, I had my boyfriends 30th last night and it was a great night. Now I'm all panicky, couldn't sleep at all even though I drank heaps, and went to bed at 5am!

    It feels like a panic attack or something. Just have this horrible feeling of dread, it's hard to explain. Like I've done something wrong, it's weird.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend, and the 'other' man...?

    I've been with my boyfriend for nearly a year and a half. 8 months ago he was diagnosed with cancer, our lives were turned upside down. We love each other, but fight a lot, partly because I feel trapped by the situation, angry & upset. We don't have certainty in our lifes. Marriage, children, travel..even if he'll still be here in 5 years. We can't plan much. I find myself trying to push him away, even though I know it's not fair.

    I've started taking some lessons. There's a guy in my class who started talking to me, and seemed very interested. I couldn't help stealing glances at him, he was looking at me. My heart went mad, my pulse was racing, I had butterflies...the lot. We had a connection, and my mind went mad with guilt. I've NEVER felt anything for anyone but my boyfriend, until now.

    I keep thinking of him, his expression when he looked at me...Driving home I teared up at the thought of leaving my bf, and wondered if this meant I'm not 'in love' anymore. What do I do?

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How to work in India as an Actress?

    Ok, I'm in a pickle.

    I really want to move to Mumbai, and try out for Bollywood Films. I am not Indian, and therefore require a business visa to legally work there.

    For this, I must provide a letter from an Indian employer claiming I'm to work for them, and for what period of time. My visa will then be issued.

    The thing is, as an actress, work is not guaranteed in this way. I need to go there, and audition before work is promised to me.

    So how do I get around this? I really need to hear from other non-indian actors experiences, and how they managed to move to india, or anyone who knows how to get around this.

    3 AnswersOther - India1 decade ago